Solar control films protect against excessive heat and UV radiation in the summer and help retain heat inside during the winter by reducing heat loss through windows. They also significantly lower indoor temperatures, shielding spaces from bright sunlight.

Our Solar Screen product range includes over 200 different window films with various strengths, shades, and technical specifications, allowing you to choose the most suitable option.

For a more detailed selection of solar control films, visit the Solar Screen website.

Our solar control films are perfect for application on windows and glass walls, giving you complete control over how much sunlight and heat you want to allow into your spaces.

Some examples:
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers:

What surfaces can be covered with solar control films?
Essentially, any glass surfaces.

How long do covered surfaces last?
Films are categorized by their lifespan. There are short-term films designed to last up to 3 years, medium-term films that last up to 5 years, and long-term films with a lifespan of up to 12 years.

How much does it cost to install solar control films?
The cost of window films ranges from €20 to €45 per square meter, plus VAT. Installation costs depend on the location and complexity of the job.

Why should you install solar control films on glass?
  • Solar Screen solar control films lower room temperatures during the summer and reduce heat loss through windows in the winter.
  • Effective heat rejection prevents excessive heating of buildings in the summer and reduces the load on air conditioning systems.
  • Excellent UV protection safeguards the interior from fading and damage caused by UV radiation.
  • Eye protection against glare, creating a more comfortable environment.
  • Enhanced safety by keeping glass fragments together in case of breakage.
  • Privacy and protection against prying eyes and reduced risk of theft of valuable items.
  • Solar Screen solar control films also enhance the exterior appearance of your home and the interior environment, making them significantly more stylish.
How do solar control films work: