Solar Screen Cover Styl’ is a high-quality range of interior and decorative films that allows you to quickly and effectively refresh the interior of your home or business (office, hotel, store, etc.).

Our product range includes over 1,000 different textures, patterns, and colors, giving you the opportunity to instantly create a new look for your interior.

For a detailed selection, visit the Cover Styl’ website.

Thanks to the flexibility of Cover Styl’ vinyl films, they can be applied to a wide variety of surfaces – walls, floors, doors, stairs, furniture, and more. Since these films can withstand high humidity, they can also be installed in wet areas like bathrooms and kitchens.

Some examples:
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers:

What surfaces can be covered with vinyl films?
Basically, almost anything – walls, ceilings, floors, furniture, appliances, and more. Both smooth and textured surfaces can be covered. In essence, nearly anything that isn’t soft can be wrapped!

How long do vinyl-wrapped surfaces last?
Cover Styl’ material is coated with a scratch-resistant laminate, giving it exceptional durability. Therefore, the material we install comes with a 10-year warranty.

What’s the difference between the films sold in hardware stores and Cover Styl’ films?
Typically, the difference is 2-3 times in favor of Cover Styl’ , both in terms of material quality and durability (resistance to water, heat, and wear).

Are vinyl films resistant to moisture?
Yes, they are! They can be installed in bathrooms and other highly humid areas, meaning water and moisture have no effect on Cover Styl’ films.

Can you tell by touch that a surface is covered with a film?
No, you can’t. These films are designed to mimic natural materials so well that it’s difficult to tell by touch that the surface is wrapped.

How much does wrapping cost?
Material prices range from €20 to €45 per square meter, and installation costs vary depending on the complexity (location, surfaces, material choice, etc.). Generally, wrapping is much more affordable, environmentally friendly, and less time – consuming compared to other renovation methods or buying new items.

  • Cover Styl’ interior films are environmentally friendly, fire-resistant, and durable, meeting the following EU certifications and standards:
  • Fire Resistance Certificate (EN 13501-1)
  • EU Standards Compliance (AUTO DECLARATION ce)
  • Maritime (IMO)
  • Antibacterial (EN 13501-1)
  • Hazardous Organic Compounds (COV)
  • Hazardous Chemicals (ROHS)

During the production process of Cover Styl’ vinyl films, all harmful chemicals are removed, making the materials environmentally friendly.

  • They do not contain harmful heavy metals (tin, cadmium, mercury, chromium, etc.).
  • They do not contain formaldehyde (HCHO), which can cause “sick building syndrome.”

Cover Styl’ films comply with:

  • Safety standards applicable to wallpaper and cardboard.
  • Safety requirements for hazardous chemicals in products designed for children.

Cover Styl’ films have excellent antimicrobial and mold-resistant properties, helping to maintain a safe living environment.

Mirlex OÜ is the official certified distributor and installer of Cover Styl’ films.